Results for 'Francesca L. Beaudoin'

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  1.  21
    How do US orthopaedic surgeons view placebo-controlled surgical trials? A pilot online survey study.Michael H. Bernstein, Maayan N. Rosenfield, Charlotte Blease, Molly Magill, Richard M. Terek, Julian Savulescu, Francesca L. Beaudoin, Josiah D. Rich & Karolina Wartolowska - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (9):643-646.
    Randomised placebo-controlled trials (RPCTs) are the gold standard for evaluating novel treatments. However, this design is rarely used in the context of orthopaedic interventions where participants are assigned to a real or placebo surgery. The present study examines attitudes towards RPCTs for orthopaedic surgery among 687 orthopaedic surgeons across the USA. When presented with a vignette describing an RPCT for orthopaedic surgery, 52.3% of participants viewed it as ‘completely’ or ‘mostly’ unethical. Participants were also asked to rank-order the value of (...)
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  2. EEVEE: the Empathy-Enhancing Virtual Evolving Environment.Philip L. Jackson, Pierre-Emmanuel Michon, Erik Geslin, Maxime Carignan & Danny Beaudoin - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  3. JONATHAN St. BT EVANS (University of Plymouth) The mental model theory of conditional reasoning: critical appraisal and revision, l-20.Jeffrey L. Elman, Francesca Ge Happe, Richard D. Platt & Richard A. Griggs - 1993 - Cognition 48:30-5.
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    Joint Evaluation as a Real-World Tool for Managing Emotional Assessments of Morality.Max H. Bazerman, Francesca Gino, Lisa L. Shu & Chia-Jung Tsay - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (3):290-292.
    Moral problems often prompt emotional responses that invoke intuitive judgments of right and wrong. While emotions inform judgment across many domains, they can also lead to ethical failures that could be avoided by using a more deliberative, analytical decision-making process. In this article, we describe joint evaluation as an effective tool to help decision makers manage their emotional assessments of morality.
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    Changing emotion norms in marriage:: Love and anger in U.s. Women's magazines since 1900.Steven L. Gordon & Francesca M. Cancian - 1988 - Gender and Society 2 (3):308-342.
    Throughout the twentieth century, women's magazines in the United States have socialized their readers to the “proper” expression of love and anger in marriage. Our analysis of a random sample of marital advice articles from 1900 to 1979 examines this cultural convergence of gender, marriage, and emotion. A qualitative analysis identifies techniques for socializing readers to the emotional culture of marriage and shows a historical change toward equating love with self-fulfillment and advocating the expression of anger. A quantitative analysis then (...)
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    Reply: The Power of the Cognition/Emotion Distinction for Morality.Max H. Bazerman, Francesca Gino, Lisa L. Shu & Chia-Jung Tsay - 2014 - Emotion Review 6 (1):87-88.
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  7. A case study of a multiply talented savant with an autism spectrum disorder.Gregory L. Wallace, Francesca Happé & Jay N. Giedd - 2010 - In Francesca Happé & Uta Frith (eds.), Autism and Talent. Oup/the Royal Society.
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    L'immaginario e il simbolico nell'uomo: il commentario di Proclo all'Alcibiade primo di Platone.Francesca Filippi & Proclus - 2012 - Milano: V & P. Edited by Proclus.
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    L. Rossetti, Le dialogue socratique, avant-propos de François Roustang, Encre Marine/Les Belles Lettres, Paris 2011, pp. 292.Francesca Pentassuglio - 2012 - Méthexis 25 (1):169-174.
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    Mindreading abilities in sexual offenders: An analysis of theory of mind processes.Nicoletta Castellino, Francesca M. Bosco, William L. Marshall, Liam E. Marshall & Fabio Veglia - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1612-1624.
    The paper aims to assess the theory of mind of sexual offenders. We administered to 21 sexual offenders and to 21 nonoffenders two classical first- and second-order ToM tasks, a selection of six Strange Stories, and a semi-structured interview, the Theory of Mind Assessment Scale , which provides a multi-dimensional evaluation of ToM, investigating first- vs. third-person and egocentric vs. allocentric perspectives. Results show that sexual offenders performed worse than controls on second-order ToM tasks, on Strange Stories and on each (...)
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  11.  25
    L’eredità agostiniana dalla tradizione monastica alle filosofie francescane.Francesca Pullano - 2018 - Doctor Virtualis 14.
    Il XII secolo rappresenta per il mondo monastico un periodo di grande splendore dal punto di vista culturale e filosofico, in particolare grazie a figure come Bernardo di Chiaravalle e Guglielmo di Saint-Thierry, la cui riflessione rappresenta da una parte la maturità della tradizione monastica altomedievale, dall’altra il coronamento e la chiusura di un periodo, più che l’apertura di uno nuovo.Paradossalmente il XII secolo segna anche un periodo di crisi profonda, in cui i monaci, che per secoli sono stati al (...)
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    L'incremento degli incarichi extra-giudiziari dei magistrati italiani: una ricerca sugli anni 1992, 1993, 1994.Francesca Zannotti & Michele Sapignoli - 1997 - Polis 11 (2):213-230.
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    La réponse naturelle : une solution inadéquate au dilemme darwinien.Félix Aubé Beaudoin - 2015 - Philosophiques 42 (1):131-151.
    Félix Aubé Beaudoin | : Le dilemme darwinien, formulé par Sharon Street, somme les réalistes moraux d’expliquer pourquoi de nombreux jugements qui sont des candidats au statut de vérités morales indépendantes sont aussi ceux qui ont une grande valeur sélective. Les réalistes peuvent soit nier, soit affirmer l’existence d’un lien entre pressions évolutionnistes et vérités morales. Selon Street, la première option mène au scepticisme tandis que la seconde est indéfendable sur le plan scientifique. Peter Singer et Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek (...)
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  14.  6
    L'umana perfezione: saggio sulla circolazione e diffusione dell'idea di progresso nell'Italia del primo Ottocento.Francesca Rigotti - 1981 - Napoli: Bibliopolis.
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    L'era del singolo.Francesca Rigotti - 2021 - Torino: Giulio Einaudi editore.
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    Lectures de l'œuvre de J.-J. Rousseau: Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes, Julie ou La nouvelle Héloïse, Émile ou De l'éducation.Francesca Todesco - 2019 - Città di Castello (PG): I libri di Emil.
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    L'Etica Prescrittiva Nel Tardo Ellenismo e Il Caso di Filone di Larissa.Francesca Alesse - 2013 - Méthexis 26 (1):187-204.
    The article, after providing a general survey of prescriptive theories (or theories on rules) in Hellenistic philosophy, tries to offer a detailed analysis of the moral doxography of Philo of Larissa conserved in Stobaeus' Anthology (Stob. Ecl. II 7, 2, pp. 39-40 W.-H. = 25 Wiśniewski, 2 Mette, 32 Brittain). According to this evidence, Philo divided moral philosophy in three parts : hortatory, or protreptic, topos, therapeutic topos, prescriptive topos –; besides, he parted the prescriptive topos into general and particular (...)
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  18.  11
    Études sur la théorie stoicienne de l'action, réunies par M.-O. GOULET-CAZÉ("Textes et Traditions"XXII), Vrin, Paris 2011.Francesca Alesse - 2012 - Elenchos 33 (1):151-159.
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  19.  30
    La ricostituzione immaginaria della società: Ruth Levitas e l’utopia come teoria sociale.Francesca Pannozzo - 2017 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 29 (56).
    The essay aims to disclose British sociologist Ruth Levitas’s proposal regarding the thorny issue of the lack of consensus about the definition of the concept of utopia, a issue which, in the Levitas’s view, results in a widespread terminological confusion and in the omnipresent risk of arbitrary selection of the material. After an accurate analysis of the main theoretical and epistemological approaches on the topic, Levitas suggests an inclusive definition which would allow to cross the boundaries imposed by «restrictive» characterizations, (...)
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  20. L'educazione alla realtà in Freud.Francesca Pulvirenti - 1975 - Catania: Giannotta.
  21.  35
    Antonio Vallisneri: L'edizione del testo scientifico d'età moderna.Francesca Crasta - 2002 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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    Tradimenti, appropriazioni, ripensamenti. Arthur C. Danto e l’eredità della filosofia tedesca da Nietzsche a Kant.Francesca Iannelli - 2021 - Rivista di Estetica 77:77-92.
    The main aim of the present essay is to explore Arthur C. Danto’s passionate confrontation with German philosophy. As will emerge, it is neither an analysis planned according to a precise chronological order, nor a rigidly systematic investigation. In a succession of irreverent betrayals, syncretistic appropriations and courageous afterthoughts, Danto will proceed rather backwards, going from Nietzsche to Hegel and from Hegel to Kant. In doing so – during his long and tireless philosophical r...
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    L'agenda della bioetica: problemi e prospettive.Francesca Marin - 2019 - Padova: Il poligrafo.
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  24. L¿ a priori del senso comune in Kant: dal regno de i fini alla comunità degli uomini.Francesca Menegoni - 1990 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 19 (1):13-50.
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    Le Sourire d’Omphale. Maternité et petite enfance dans l’Antiquité.Francesca Prescendi - 2016 - Kernos 29:439-441.
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    L'impensato della politica: Spinoza e il vincolo civile.Francesca Bonicalzi - 2000 - Napoli: Guida.
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    L’arte retorica: antenata o sorella della pragmatica?Francesca Piazza - 2011 - Esercizi Filosofici 6 (1):116-132.
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    La sede dell'identità: l'Europa come laboratorio in Norbert Elias.Francesca Romana Lenzi - 2023 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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    P. L. Landsberg: dalla vita al pensiero. Dal pensiero all'azione.Francesca Drago - 2006 - Idee 61:133-138.
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    L'estetica di Ermanno Migliorini: la militanza e la misura.Francesca Peruzzi - 2011 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
  31.  23
    Visual Feedback Effectiveness in Reducing Over Speeding of Moped-Riders.Mariaelena Tagliabue, Riccardo Rossi, Massimiliano Gastaldi, Giulia De Cet, Francesca Freuli, Federico Orsini, Leandro L. Di Stasi & Giulio Vidotto - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The use of assistance systems aimed at reducing road fatalities is spreading, especially for car drivers, but less effort has been devoted to developing and testing similar systems for powered two-wheelers. Considering that over speeding represents one of the main causal factors in road crashes and that riders are more vulnerable than drivers, in the present study we investigated the effectiveness of an assistance system which signaled speed limit violations during a simulated moped-driving task, in optimal and poor visibility conditions. (...)
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    L’essere ed il destino della metafisica occidentale nella riflessione di Martin Heidegger.Francesca Brencio - 2002 - Oros 1 (1).
  33.  43
    L’essere-nel-mondo e la natalità nella riflessione di Hannah Arendt.Francesca Brencio - 2013 - Oros 1.
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  34.  14
    Coupling Robot-Aided Assessment and Surface Electromyography (sEMG) to Evaluate the Effect of Muscle Fatigue on Wrist Position Sense in the Flexion-Extension Plane.Maddalena Mugnosso, Jacopo Zenzeri, Charmayne M. L. Hughes & Francesca Marini - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:485865.
    Proprioception is a crucial sensory modality involved in the control and regulation of coordinated movements and in motor learning. However, the extent to which proprioceptive acuity is influenced by local muscle fatigue is obscured by methodological differences in proprioceptive and fatiguing protocols. In this study, we used high resolution kinematic measurements provided by a robotic device, as well as both frequency and time domain analysis of signals captured via surface electromyography (sEMG) to examine the effects of local muscle fatigue on (...)
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  35.  7
    S'interroger sur le sens de la vie: introduction à la philosophie.Simon Beaudoin - 2014 - [Montréal]: Liber.
    Cet ouvrage porte sur l'homme et sur sa quête de sens. Dans une perspective philosophique, nous y examinons les grands types de discours qui organisent notre rapport au monde et qui contribuent ainsi à la recherche humaine d'une vie plus sensée: la philosophie, la mythologie, la religion et la science. Ces discours offrent à la conscience des peuples et des civilisations leurs repères culturels fondamentaux. Ils déterminent les croyances partagées, les savoirs admis et les valeurs sacrées, d'où l'intérêt de les (...)
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  36.  9
    Socrate dans la littérature de l’ancienet du moyen stoïcisme.Francesca Alesse - 2001 - Philosophie Antique 1 (1):119-135.
    In order to stress their Socratic inheritance, the Stoics, in their writings - dialogues, collections of maxims or « memorabilia » –, either drew upon the ancient Socratic literature or quoted Socratic sayings in their own moral treatises. Their authorities were not only Xenophon and Plato’s dialogues, but the works of Antisthenes and Aeschines of Sphettos, minor trends in ancient Socratic literature, such as Phaedo or Simon, and part of the later Socratic literature, in particular Diogenes of Sinope and Crates (...)
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  37.  21
    Averroès et la censure de l'histoire.Francesca Forte - 2015 - Doctor Virtualis 13.
    Il contributo intende ricostruire il dibattito storiografico intorno all’eredità di Averroè a partire dalla sua nascita, con la riscoperta di Averroè da parte dell’orientalismo francese arrivando fino agli intellettuali arabo-musulmani contemporanei, che hanno fatto del filosofo di Cordoba un rappresentante dell’illuminismo ante litteram. Scopo del saggio è dunque quello di ripercorrere brevemente la storia di questo dibattito per mettere in luce l’uso esplicitamente politico e ideologico di un autore medievale e, in ultima analisi, sottolineare che ogni storia delle filosofia porta (...)
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    La città perduta: Simone Weil e l'universo di Linguadoca.Francesca Veltri - 2002 - Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro): Rubbettino Editore.
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    Cosa è un'idea?: l'intellegibile nell'ultimo Platone.Francesca Pizzuti - 2015 - Roma: Lithos.
  40. Alcuni esempi della relazione tra l'etica stoica e Platone.Francesca Alesse - 2007 - In Mauro Bonazzi & Christoph Helmig (eds.), Platonic Stoicism, stoic Platonism: the dialogue between Platonism and Stoicism in antiquity. Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press. pp. 23.
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  41.  21
    Due voci in esilio: l'Europa di María Zambrano e Simone Weil.Francesca Carenzi - 2023 - Roma: Aracne.
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  42. L'argomentazione come gioco linguistico. Il punto di vista aristotelico.Francesca Piazza - 2006 - Giornale di Metafisica 28 (2):389-396.
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    Boekbesprekingen.P. C. Beentjes, W. G. Tillmans, James J. Kelly, J. Y. H. Jacobs, H. P. M. Goddijn, P. Fransen, Guido Zingari, Jeroen L. M. Vis, Kees Waaijman, Ger Groot, Giovanna-Francesca Barbantini, J. Streng, Frank De Graeve & Renaat Devisch - 1979 - Bijdragen 40 (4):445-460.
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  44. a filosofia e l'universale. Un approccio interculturale (Parte seconda) / Philosophy and the Universal. An Intercultural Issue. (Part two) (14th edition).Greco Francesca (ed.) - 2022 - Trópos. Rivista di ermeneutica e critica filosofica.
    This double issue of the journal of hermeneutics and philosophical criticism “Trópos” stems from a workshop held in Padua on November 8th and 9th, 2021, entitled “The Universal and Philosophy,” organized by the Mushin'en Research Group in Intercultural Philosophy (無心円)3, of which the two publishers are founding members.
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    La filosofia e l'universale. Un approccio interculturale (Parte prima) / Philosophy and the Universal. An Intercultural Issue. (Part one) (14th edition).Greco Francesca (ed.) - 2022 - Tropos. Rivista di ermeneutica e critica filosofica.
    This double issue of the journal of hermeneutics and philosophical criticism “Trópos” stems from a workshop held in Padua on November 8th and 9th, 2021, entitled “The Universal and Philosophy,” organized by the Mushin'en Research Group in Intercultural Philosophy (無心円)3, of which the two publishers are founding members.
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    Come “statue di bronzo”.Francesca Pentassuglio - 2019 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 28:e02808.
    Obiettivo del presente contributo è un esame dei riferimenti al tema del silenzio in alcuni “luoghi” della letteratura socratica. Più particolarmente, l’analisi si concentra sull’importanza riconosciuta alla virtù del σιωπᾶν in due specifici ambiti: 1) l’educazione dei giovani e 2) lo scambio dialogico. Il primo aspetto è indagato soprattutto a partire dal Milziade di Eschine di Sfetto, che presenta positivamente la capacità di tacere nei giovani e che permette di istituire, a questo riguardo, alcuni paralleli con opere non socratiche. Il (...)
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  47. Promuovere l'"open access" nelle scienze umane.Peter Suber & Francesca Di Donato - forthcoming - Bollettino Telematico di Filosofia Politica.
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    Alcuni aspetti del concetto stoico di sostanza e identità dell'individuo.Francesca Alesse - 2008 - Chôra 6:127-142.
    Les Stoïciens formulent une conception de la «substance», ou ousia, qui tient un rôle très important dans différentes parties de leur système, parmi lesquelles la cosmologie, la psychologie et l'éthique. Au concept de substance est liée ce qu.on appelle la table des quatre 'catégories'. Cette dernière est considéréepar certains interprètes récents comme l'issue d'un processus historique relativement long, qui trouve sa formulation achevée seulement avec Chrysippe. Les sources relatives à la théorie des quatre catégories forment, comme on le sait, une (...)
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  49. L'editio Micylli fonte di Giordano Bruno.Francesca Dell'Omodarme & Francesca Di Dio - 2005 - Rinascimento 45:367-388.
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    L. D'Antone (a cura di), "Radici storiche ed esperienza dell'intervento straordinario nel Mezzogiorno".Francesca Fauri - 1998 - Polis 12 (3):533-535.
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